Editions Abscondita presents:
Recorded Music Related Happenings
Every Monday 7pm AT Q-O2 // Shop open at 5pm
Curated by Editions Abscondita
LIVE HOUSE is discovering and enjoying recorded musics while re-evaluating and shaping the aesthetic experience of listening to them.
You never hear a piece of music by itself.
You hear it in relation to all musics you have heard before.
You hear it in relation to facts and details you might know about the music.
Therefore every listening experience is truly unique and will change any future listening experience.
Presenting: SIT DOWN
Sit downs are live presentations of recorded musics selected by experienced listeners. Different ways of choosing and presenting recordings will be proposed at Live House during these curated listening sessions.
The time available to any individual for listening to musics recorded is limited when compared to the vast amounts of mass duplicated releases available to him. One cannot escape having to choose. Sit downs present eclectic selections with unexpected common musical aspects, tackling complete discographies of artists/labels or re-constructing musical styles via connoisseur compiled material. Often focussing on musics forgotten, ignored, hidden or lost, the existing hierarchy of which recordings seem to matter more than others will be challenged.
Presenting pieces of music to the listener without providing any details, or on the contrary informing him very well on history and context. Listening at different speeds then initially intended, overlapping or slicing gaps in the proposed material and repeated listenings. Every session a listener will be challenged to adapt his habits of perceiving recorded musics.
Presenting: SHOP
Every week a different mosaic of 91 works for sale and discovery are presented to the visitors. The selection is well documented and all artwork is presented face front. CD, LP, MC or CD-r, all eclectic in style, release period, label or artists’ provenance, new or second hand alike. No charts or years-best-lists are consulted to compile the mosaic’s selection, nor does the shop have a network of distributors to place orders for you.